Module 2: CURIOUS

"Curiosity... gives you clues on the incredible scavenger hunt of your life."
~Elizabeth Gilbert~
Welcome to your own personal Curiosity Shop.
It's time to imagine the possibilities of becoming the person you desire to be.
This module will get you started on the scavenger hunt for your remarkable life, and help you explore what you have to do to get there.
So, dust off all those dreams you left behind, and give them another chance. It's never too late. Or create some shiny new dreams. After all, your life belongs to you.
The practice of curiosity is to ask questions, and the easiest ones to ask are 'why', 'who', 'what' and 'how'. As you work through this module, look back over your journal entries, and keep in mind what you discovered about yourself in Module 1.
And keep journaling.
Keep going with your 30-day challenge.
Remember there is no right answer.
"Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it."
~ Steven Pressfield ~
Don't worry if you don't feel any closer to finding your purpose or passion.
No judgement, just curiosity.
If you haven't already, watch the video, then head over to the exercises and practices, and get busy.
Journal your discoveries and post anything you'd like to share in the comments box below.
Stay curious, explore at your own pace and let your remarkable self emerge.
Here are some prompts to help you get your curiosity journaling going.
Your entries can be as short or long as you like. The prompts are there to help you get started, and to keep your curiosity growing.
After each of the exercises try writing how you feel and what you think.
Or answer some of these questions:
- Were there any surprises in my responses to the love, value, time exercise or the Four Tendencies Quiz?
- Has writing to my future self made me think differently about myself?
- How does putting the attention on my purpose make me feel?
- What behaviours do I have to start, stop or continue to reach my remarkable future?
Complete each exercise
Try each practice
Use the prompts to help you reflect
Extra Curious
Browse more things to watch, read, listen to, and explore
- Love, Value and Choice
Exercise 1
Print out the PDF, and find a quiet spot to complete the exercise. Give yourself 15 to 20 minutes.
- A Letter to My Remarkable Future Self
Exercise 2
Go back to your quiet spot, and complete the exercise. Give yourself 15 to 20 minutes.
- Why am I here?
Exercise 3
Find that quiet spot again. Complete the exercise. Give yourself as long as it takes.
- Energetic Presence
Exercise 1
Listen to the audio and practice the exercise every day.
Add this to your practice of being 'home', and grounded. It's another step towards building your personal presence.
- Mornington Morning Meditation
Exercise 2
Sit or lie down. Let yourself relax, take 3 slow, deep breaths, and listen to this 4 minute meditation. Can you find time to play it everyday - for the next 14 days?
Module 2 Webinar
Watch this for more information around the content of Module 2
If you'd like to read, see or hear more about growing your curiosity muscle, pick something from the resources here.
These resources are not mandatory, they're for you to explore - or not... Let us know if you have another favourite you'd like to share.
- The Charge: Activating the 10 human drives that make you feel alive by Brendon Burchard
- Free Thinking by Stephanie Dowrick
- The Alchemist: A fable about following your dream by Paul Coelho
- The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure by James Redfield
- The Desire Map: A guide to creating goals with soul by Danielle Laporte
- Living Forward: A proven plan to stop drifting and get the life you want by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy
- Status Anxiety by Alain de Botton
- Simon Sinek - How great leaders inspire action (18:04 mins)
- Marie Forleo & Chris Gillibeau - How to find the work you were meant to do (18:26 mins)
- David Brooks - Should you live for your resume or your eulogy? (4:57 mins)
- Scott Dinsmore - How to find work you love (17:42 mins)
- Emilie Wapnick - Why some of us don't have one true calling (12:26 mins)
- Larry Smith - Why you will fail to have a great career (15:08 mins)
- Dan Millman - The Four Purposes of Life (52:33 mins)
- Stuff You Should Know - How Curiosity Works (33:45 mins)